September 25-26, 2021, Virtual Conference
This year, the 16th annual EANO meeting will be held virtually, with a wide variety of educational offerings, and high quality content, all delivered in a state-of-the-art online conference format. Education, scientific research and developments are important to the field of neuro-oncology and will be delivered through live sessions on Saturday, September 25 and Sunday, September 26, streaming via the online platform at the specified times during the conference program. Corporate Symposia and e-poster sessions are scheduled on both days of the conference. On demand sessions will be available for registered participants from the day of the conference, through December 22, 2021. A messaging system will be set up within the online platform, so that attendees can interact with the presenters.
The 2021 EANO Educational Day, held on Saturday, October 23, will feature live sessions covering clinical science as well as clinical care topics. An on-demand session for symptom management and interventions will also be provided.
Please check for emails as updated become available. Updates will also be posted on the EANO 2021 website, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.